I'm honoured to open a sacred space
with and for you
to fully surrender
in Acceptance, Permission & Love.
I'm here to be present with you,
to listen to you and help you to
explore blockages, patterns and coping strategies.
My intention is to help you
enter into a love relationship with your body,
establish healthy boundaries and expand the capacity of your pleasure/feeling body
Our bodies are amazing.
They show us through pain, tightness or numbness that our being holds unconcious trauma, which is ready to be released.
Pain can be good news, because it shows us, which direction to go.
Through Dearmouring we can touch deeply burried places and
flut them with the light of conciousness to liberate them.
The session can include a process for the
Genitals and the Anus,
which are usually the places where we store most of our
suppressed energy
and hold tons of shame and guilt.
I help you to restore the connection from your
Sacral to your Heart Center
and my intention is to honour your body with presence and touch, that doesn't want anything from you.
This work is for all genders.
Menstrual cramps, PTSD, Infertility,
Endometriosis or Hormonal Disbalances
are the common experience for so many women in our society
and yet not normal.
I believe alive Wombs will change the world.
Through activating & initiating the
7 Yoni Gates
I help you reclaim your sensitivity &
full spectrum of feelings in your Yoni.
We will work on trust & your sensual leadership.
The Yoni Gates are often burried,
in freeze or stuffed with unresolved emotions
from past experiences or trauma.
According to your individual needs
we de-freeze your vagina,
free your zervix from pain,
let feminine energy run through your system.
1 Session
2 hours
This session is perfect
to free the first layers of armours that your body might have stored.
Depending on your
wishes & the openness
of your body,
we work on certain areas of your body, like the jar,
shoulders or heart
or we go deeper to
release tension in your
yoni, anus or lingam.
We start with
a coaching talk &
certain techniques
to build trust between
the two of us.
Once your body is ready,
I will work on hand on with
trigger points to release
stuck energies & emotions
To open your body to its free flow again.
3 Sessions
2 hours per Session
This package is designed for you
to work deeper on one specific topic that you feel stuck with or
a body part, that hurts, is numb or just needs attention.
You will feel the powerful effects of De-armouring
even more obvious after
a couple of sessions
in a relatively short time window.
Usually the body needs its time
to fully surrender and open up.
The more we work together,
the deeper we reach.
This package is a mixture of Coaching & Bodywork tailerd according to your individual needs.
7 Sessions
2 hours per Session
This is an intensive deep dive
to give your body
a full possiblity for
longterm change
& healing.
You will receive not only
De-armouring bodywork,but we'll
look on a psychosomatic level
for the reasons why you
build armours in the first place &
how to let them go for good.
Healing means adressing the origin, not treating the symptom.
We will work with your
Yoni Gates & re-establish the connection to your exquisit womb portal -
or, if you are in male body,
we will strengthen your tantric connection between your
Heart & Lingam.
How to book a Session with me
Choose your package and wirte me an email via my contact form.
I'll email you back with some availabilities for a free phone call.
We clearify wishes, questions, practicalities on the phone & see if we're a match.
We meet for the session and start with a gentle talk before we go in the bodywork.
Payment plans available.
If you have had social disadvantages growing up or are a BIPOC person and can't afford a session,
please reach out to me and we find an arrangement.
Praxis in Berlin, Schöneberg or Eberswalde
You are welcome to visit me in my beautiful Practise Rooms in Berlin, Schöneberg for the Session. In some cases I also offer home - visits, if it is not so easy to travel for you.
- Stay updated -
"In Dankbarkeit durfte ich von Anna meine erste de-armouring Session empfangen. Es war viel intensiver als ich mir das vorher hätte vorstellen können. Ich empfinde sie als kraftvolle Frau, quasi Magierin, die feinfühlig wahrnimmt und in Bewegung bringt. Sie ist Tantrika und Schamanin zugleich mit dem Auftrag zu berühren, absichtlos, Präsent und mitfühlend. Zu Beginn unserer Session meinte Anna: Ich kann alles halten, ich halte dich, du darfst dich öffnen, dich hingeben. Das fand ich ziemlich sexy! Und trifft mein Bedürfnis an männlicher Präsenz und Führung. Anna’s Berührungen empfand ich als energetisch kraftvoll! Hola die Waldfee! Sie hat es auf jeden Fall geschafft meine Wunden zu berühren und stockende Energie ins Fließen zu bringen. Einiges durfte fließen und es kommt mir vor, als dürfte ich mich jetzt eine gute Woche nach der Session immer noch liebevoll um die Emotionen und Themen kümmern, die durch unsere Session berührt wurden. Tränen durften fließen, Wut durfte sich zeigen, tiefer Schmerz in Wellen gefühlt werden, Übelkeit gereinigt werden"
"Ich habe gestern an einem Frauenkreis, von Anna geleitet, teilgenommen. Es ging um die zwei Persönlichkeitsanteile
Lilith und Eva in mir als Frau. Es war ein tiefer und kraftvoller Prozess mit Räucherung, Körperarbeit,
Zeremonien und Veranschaulichung der Archetypen Lilith und Eva in mir.
Es gab Kakao zur Herzöffnung und mächtige Rhythmen zum Tanzen, Schütteln und Heilen. Es flossen Tränen,
T-Shirts flogen freiwillig vom Körper und mit tiefer Demut wurde meine Selbststärke, mein Selbstschutz und meine
Schwesternschaft zu anderen Frauen geheilt und vertieft. Man, das war so heilsam und gut.
Danke, Anna und danke den anderen Frauen für ihre Offenheit und Nähe"
Dr. Bianca Susann Rothe
"Anna's intuitive, passionate and sensible way to hold a loving space allowed me to surrender into utterly being me, letting go and feeling safe and courageous, as I traveled trough a beautiful guidance trough a collective journey where intimate and maybe emotional topics could release and meet in heartfelt relativeness with others and oneself.
Resulting in blissful feelings of Acceptance, womanhood, connection, love, vulnerability, sensuality, patience and passion, I am so grateful to have been in part in two of Anna's rites and am looking forward to joining another one when the time comes!"
"Ich habe ein Yoni De-Armouring bei Anna gemacht und spüre gerade grosse Dankbarkeit für diese Session. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich ihre Intuition: als bei mir durch die Arbeit Ängste hochkamen, hat sie das gespürt, bevor ich es überhaupt aussprechen konnte. Sie hat mir geholfen, durch die Angst hindurchzugehen und diese in dem Moment aufzulösen. Ich vertraue Anna sehr und schätze ihre liebevolle sowie sanfte Art mich zu berühren"